Introduction to AMOS

Introduction to AMOS

FEB 9, 2022

Dear learner:

Trust you all are doing very well!

I am happy to present to you the next set of videos on ‘Introduction to AMOS’. As you are aware I have been doing a lecture series on ‘Psychometrics’. The purpose of this lecture series is to introduce viewers to the ideas of scale development and elements of psychometric theory (such as reliability, validity and factor analysis) that are important to understand for social science research. The series is structured around a framework of measurement principles and will be based on a combination of theoretical and practice-oriented sessions that will provide working knowledge of concepts using statistical software like SPSS and AMOS.

Learning AMOS:

You can view the latest module (module 6) of this series that is focused on AMOS here.

In this module, I explain the basics of doing CFA in AMOS. I also explain the ideas behind Average Variance Extracted and Composite Reliability as explained in the Fornell and Larcker (1981) paper. AVE and CR are extremely important variables that are used to establish convergent and discriminant validity between constructs in our research.

For your reference, a very nice book to learn AMOS is:

Byrne, B (2010). Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS. Routledge, New York.

Psychometrics Lecture Series:

The full playlist on Psychometrics can be accessed here.

The lecture series are an effort to provide open, free-of-cost content to you all and help you in your research journeys.

I hope you will find the series useful and wish you the very best.

Best wishes

Vishal Gupta

PS: Please do share your comments and feedback. I will be happy to hear from you.